Last mold for this beam mount. I used a hot glue gun to put and keep the mold pieces in place and stuck to each other. Very easy, should have used it earlier on.
In the front mold area (inner side, of course) I used a lot of putty in all corners, to be able to shape the protruding area on the outside without sanding into the glass. Sounds like Abracadabra? In one of the next posts I'll be able to show what I mean with a picture.

Inner laminate on the right front beam mount is in place. It took me longer than expected (over three hours) to get this job done - both sides of the mount - and I finished at about half past one in the morning. It's very busy at the moment at work and at home, so working in the evenings/nights is necessary to keep going.
I tried to laminate the "C" glass in one big piece, as I did on the rear beam mounts. This just doesn't work on the front mounts. What worked for me was: laminate beam bracket area and a bit up + overlap on hull with one piece, lapping out about 6 cm on mount. Then laminate over mold plate and up, overlapping hull and lapping out on mount. Then one piece over the mount and the bulkhead.
Then you get something looking like this......

In an earlier post I said using the angled grinder is a good way to cut the beam bracket area flush, and that is still true. However, I found out using an old saw, pressed 'flush' to the hull, works even better and with lesser mess. Dark photo alert.
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