Before fitting the anchorwell I put some fairing compound on the visible areas and sanded it down a bit. I didn't try to get it perfect.

Then put a thin flat basecoat of normal white housepaint on top of that. In real it looks better than the photo suggests. Because it's a thin coat the gray fairing putty shows through. Also on the picture the paint is still wet and a bit shiney, highlighting the defects.

Below the anchorwell is fitted, but has to be taped yet. I only had a template for cutting the aft side of the well, and made the well fit by doing some measuring, cutting and trimming of the front end. Not too much work.
Painting the front side of the boat was a good experiment to decide on the kind of finish. I think with a bit more fairing and sanding painting the inside with flat paint would give a good enough finish without too much work. But I think I will go for a 'zolatone-finish', which should be better. I'll try to get some more informationg about zolatone.
But now I can stop working the interior for a while, because yesterday the beam mounts arrived. I hope to level the boat this weekend and start cutting the beam-mount openings.
4 opmerkingen:
Hoi Menno,
Gary Mulder's F36 is finished inside with a mixture of double coat and aerosill, and that looks real good. The mixture leaves a textured finish which covers the imperfections quite good. It's certainly a method that I will try on my boat. A combination with another brand of paint will also do I think. Anyway, something to know of.
Hallo Henny,
That sounds interesting. How much aerosill needs to be mixed, and how is the paint applied?
Applying with a roller. Amount of aerosill is more a matter of trial and error depending of paint. To less and the finish is too glossy, too much and the paint will become too thick. For double coat about 100 ml. on 600 ml paint, but this is based more on a "feeling" than an scientific fact. Or as Gary explained "de Jan-Boeren-Fluitjes-Methode" Do some tests with your cheap housepaint. I'm curious about the results.
Thanks Henny,
I'll do some tests and let people know how it went.
It will take a while though, as I received the beam mounts and thus will first move on working on the exterior.
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